62d Pennsylvania Volunteers

Company K
Eighth Ward Guards B & Tower Zouaves
(Allegheny & Washington Counties)

62d  Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg

Company Roster

'But who among the private soldiers is named? Have the dead been mentioned except in numbers? Have the cripples been referred to except in the aggregate? Yet it was the rank and file that stood the shock of battle and that gave blow for blow. It was the columns of soldiers that charged the enemy or stood like a rock against fierce assaults. Does history do more with the name of the private soldier than bundle it up with a thousand others and call the combination a regiment?' -- Captain W. J. Patterson, 62d Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment"

[Go to Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers and Musicians]


Remarks (Mustered in on 22 July 1861, except where noted.)

Moses Arthur

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 18 September 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 45; Occupation: School Master; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8" Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates).

John B. Baker

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Discharged 14 April 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Boatman; Residence: Webster, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8"

William Bignell

Mustered in at Pittsburgh. Died date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 33; Occupation: River Man; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2" Remarks: Rolls show last name as Brignell. (Died date unknown. Bates).

James Blake

Mustered in 10 July 1863. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate 3 April 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed.]

From Butler County, according to History of Butler County Pennsylvania (1883).

William Blakeley

Mustered in at Pittsburgh. Deserted 5 September 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 33; Occupation: Boat Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'10 3/4" Remarks: Deserted 9-4-63 at Philadelphia.

James Bowie

Mustered in at Pittsburgh, but may have enrolled in Monongahela City. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Washington County; Hair: Black; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5 1/2"

John Boyd

Mustered in at Pittsburgh. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate 9 December 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 40; Occupation: Teamster; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 7/8" Remarks: Pr. to Wagoner (date unknown). (S.C. of D. Bates.)

William Buchanan

Mustered in at Pittsburgh. Wounded and captured at Malvern Hill, Va., 1 July 1862; discharged 7 December 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 40; Occupation: Boot Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: [not listed]; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7" Remarks: (Wounded & captured at Malvern Hill, Va., 7-1- 62. Bates).

Matthew Burke

Mustered in at Pittsburgh. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Tailor; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5"

Thomas Canfield

Died at Fortress Monroe, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Helper in glass house; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4 1/2"; Remarks: (Died at Fortress Monroe date unknown. Bates). Rolls show last name as "CAUFIELD".

William Chapman

Mustered in 10 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20 [no other personal information listed] Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Reg. 7-2-64. Pro. to Corp. (date unknown) Dis by G. O.

Moved to York County, Nebraska, after the war, where he was a painter, according to York County, Nebraska and its people. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1921.

Isaac Confer

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Beaver County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'11 1/2"; Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates).

Montgomery Cooke

Wounded at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863. Absent, in hospital at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'3 1/2" Remarks: Pr. to Musc. (date unknown). (Wounded at Gettysburg 7-2-63 in Hospital at M.O. Bates). Rolls show name as Cook.

Died in 6 January 1921, according to Proceedings of the 56th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Altoona, 1922). Buried in Union Dale Cemetery, Pittsburgh.

Harvey L. Coonce
[or Koontz]

Died before first battle, 9 December 1861. Buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D.C.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Coonce, Harvey]: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Venango County; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11"

Bates lists surname as Coonce, but Koontz appears to be the more common spelling. H. and H. S. Koontz are listed in the History of Washington County. Even if residence was listed as Venango County in the CWVCF, the 1860 Census has no listing for anyone named Coonce. However, Harvey Koontz is included in the files for Canton Township in Washington County. His occupation was Day Labor, his age 25, and his race was Mulatto. He was living with Rachel McCoslin, a 58 year old farmer, who was also a mulatto. Harvey was born in Pennsylvania; and I think Rachel was born in Virginia.

Henry Coonce
[or Koontz]

Discharged 19 December 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 43; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Mercer County; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7 3/4"

Likely the H. or H. S. Koontz listed in the History of Washington County, even if residence was listed as Mercer County.

It seems likely that Harvey and Henry were related, but I can't find a connection. Their ages are a generation apart. If both had Washington County connections, each listed a different residence when mustering in. Of the many variations on the name Koontz/Coonce [from Coons to Kuhn], I can't find any Henry in the 1860 census that matches closely with the age and occupation of Henry Coonce/Koontz of Company K, in any county in Pennsylvania, or in Maryland, Virginia, or Ohio.

James Corton

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Sawyer; Residence: Pittsburgh. Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8" Remarks: (S. C. of D. Bates)

Elijah Crall

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate (date not provided). Re-enlisted in 1864, joining the 6th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (212th P.V.).

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2" Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates). Alph. Roll shows last name as Crawl.

George Crawford

Drafted. Mustered in 17 July 1863. Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]

John Dougherty

Mustered in 10 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191th P.V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See references to E 191 I, but that card is blank.]

Robert Duff

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate 23 October 1862. Re-listed in Company C, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Was captured and held at Libby Prison from two months. Mustered out May 1865. Moved to Kansas after the war. Died at Fort Scott, Kansas, in 1871.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Beaver County; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6 1/2"; Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates).

A Butler County source indicates he was from Butler County, Pa.

H. H. Eckenroad

Substitute. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B- 155 I under H. H. Echenroad]: Age at Enrollment: 19; [no additional personal information provided] Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Dis. by G.O. #77 W.D. (date unknown) Rolls spell last name Eckenroad, Henry H.

Andrew Jackson Ferguson

Drafted. Mustered in 10 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865. Veteran re-enlisted.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 29 [No other personal information listed.] Remarks: Trans. from 62d P.V. 7/2/64.

Name omitted in Bates. Listed in 155th roster found in Under the Maltese Cross confirming his service in the 62d.

Josiah Fleeger.

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transfered to Co. G, First Reg. V.R.C.

Married Hattie Fleeger before 1880. They had at least three children, Vida, Josiah, and Blanche, who were born between 1880 and 1883. Fleeger's children, listed as residents of Butler County, were enrolled in the Soldiers' Orphan School of Uniontown. Their father was listed as deceased.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22 [No other personal information listed.] Remarks: Rolls spell last name Fleeger [listed in Bates as Fleger].

Joseph W. Flenneken

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9 1/2" Remarks: M.I. Roll spells last name Flanagan.

Joshua Fox

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7".

History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926) indicates Fox was a resident of Washington County.

John A. Freese

Wounded at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Veteran Volunteer.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Boot Maker; Residence: Allegheny City, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2"

John Adam Friesell

Mustered in, date unknown. Transferred to Company B, 155th P.V. 19 February 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P.V. 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [Under Friesel, John A.]: Refer to FINSELL, JOHN A. Co. E. - 191st P.V. [unfortunately that card is blank. Another card for Finsell, John A. from B - 155 I also refers to the blank 191st P.V. card.]

Not found in Bates.

According to stories handed down in the family, John, a head taller than his older brother, lied about his age to join the regiment to fight with his brother, Corporal William Friesell. Both served at Gettysburg. Both were covered in mud during a battle, and William found John and carried him back to get his wounds treated. Both survived without injury. John lost a hand in a railroad accident after the war.

Thanks to George Friesell for alerting me to Friesell's presence in the regiment.

Anton Gabriel

Mustered into Company K, 5th P. V. (3 Mo.), 20 April 1861, mustered out 24 July 1861 (the day before he mustered into Company K, 62d.). Discharged on Surgeon's certificate 22 April 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Cabinet Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'11 3/8"

First name spelled Antone in Bates for 62d, Anton for 5th, where his age at enrollment is listed as 23.

Samuel M. Gamble

Drafted. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no information listed on any of threee cards]

John L. Garren

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence: Washington Co.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9"

John Gavin

Transferred to Veteran Reserve, 1 September 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: East Liberty, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/2"

Charles Gibbs

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Killed at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Boat Builder; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/2"

History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926) confirms Gibbs as a resident of Washington County.

William Gibbs

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 22 April 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 3/4"

William Glendenin

Substitute. Mustered in 14 July 1863 at Westmoreland County. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864; died of disease City Point, Va., 28 December 1864]

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B- 155 I & K- 62 I]: Age at Enrollment: 33; [no additional personal information provided] Remarks: Trans. from Company K 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Died 10-28-64 at City Point, Va. Rolls spell last name Glendennin.

Bates spells name William Glenden in 155th P.V. roster.

Isaac Gormly

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864. Re-enrolled into Company I, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry on 17 February 1865, mustering out on 1 July 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: New Castle, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5" Remarks: Rolls show last name as GORMLEY.

Died on 17 August 1897. Buried in Homewood Cemetery.

Josiah Gosley

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V., 3 June 1865

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from E- 191 I card]: Age at Enrollment: 28 [No additional personal information provided]

Thomas Graham

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 28 January 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 48; Occupation: Stone Mason; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6" Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown). (S.C. of D. Bates).

Died in 1880. Buried in Union Dale Cemetery, Pittsburgh.

John Gross

Captured. Died at Andersonville, Ga., 14 August 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided] Remarks: Died at Andersonville, Ga. 8-14-64. Grave 5655 (All information on this card taken from Bates). No further record available.

Charles Gwenin

Substitute. Mustered in 21 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information provided. See reference to Company E. 155th Regt., then see reference to Co. F 191st Regt, which is blank.]

Meshech Haywood

Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 December 1862. Discharged on writ of habeus corpus, 11 June 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Heywood, Mesheck]: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Coal Miner; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5" Remarks: (Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., 12-13-62. Discharged on writ of Habeas Corpus. Bates).

The Card File also notes that his name carried as Heywood, Mesheck on alph. roll, and as HAYWARD, Machon on M. I. roll.

The 1860 Census for Carrol Township, Washington County, lists Meshack Haywood as a 14 year old living with his father Meshick, a coal miner. Father and Meshack and his older siblings were all born in England. If that informaion is correct, the 15 year old volunteer was lying about his age when he mustered in.

Peter Hemminger

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

William Henning

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Boat Builder; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 1/2" Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown).

Died 28 June 1918, according to Proceedings of the 53d Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Lancaster, 1919).

Francis F. Herr

Transferred to 155th P.V., 3 July 1864. Veteran Volunteer.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Cabinet Maker; Residence: Somerset, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11"; Remarks: Pr. to Sgt., (date unknown), Re-enlisted 2-15-64 at Rappahannock Station, Va. (Trans. to company B 155th Rgt. P.V. 7-2-64. Bates). Rolls show middle initial as T.

William H. Herr

Mustered in 24 March 1864. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Watch Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa. (born) Lancaster, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'9": Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Regt. 7-4-64.

Michael Hoffman

Mustered in 23 February 1862; discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Barvenia Gap, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7": Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates). Recruit.

James Hynds

Wounded at Malvern Hill, 1 July 1862. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Barton F. O. Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6": Remarks: (Wounded at Malvern Hill, Va. 7-1-62. Bates).

William Inman

Mustered in 24 March 1864. Died 25 November 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Beave County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8": Remarks: Died 11-25-64. M.I. Roll spells last name Innman.

David H. Jacks

Drafted. Mustered in 19 July 1863. Captured at the Wilderness, Va., May 1864; discharged by General Order 21 June 1865

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 26; [No other personal information provided]; Remarks: Prisoner of War at Fredericksburg, 5-8-64 to 6-15-65. Discharged by G. O.

John Johnston

Mustered in 19 July 1863; discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Duquesne Boro, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'10 1/2"; Remarks: (Discharged S. C. of D. date unknown. Bates).

Thomas C. Jones

Drafted. Mustered in 19 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See references to E 191 I, but that card is blank.]

William Keefer

Drafted. Mustered in 19 July 1863; Died 14 January 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided]; Remarks: Died 1-14-64. (All informaiton on this card is taken from Bates.) No further record available.

George Kirkner

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 16 March 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided]; Remarks: Dis. S.C. of D. (All informaiton on this card is taken from Bates.) No further record available.

John Kuhnsey

Drafted. Mustered in 10 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See references to E 191 I, but that card is blank.]

Sterley J. Lemmon

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Lemon]: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence: Mt. Washington, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6": Remarks: Alph Roll shows last name as Lemmon.

His invalid pension index card, filed in Oregon in 1901, lists his name as Sterley J. Lemmon. In the 1910 Census Lemmon was an inmate at the Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in Malibu, California.

Eli Lindeberger

Drafted. Mustered in 17 July 1863 at Armstrong County. Transferred to 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 18 [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Co. K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. (Trans. to Company B. 7th Regt. V.R. C. Dis. S.C. of D. Bates)

The 1890 Veterans Schedules indicates he was then living in Queenstown, Armstrong County. The note for "Disability Incurred" indicates "lame back."

Moses Lozelle

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 38; Occupation: Iron Puddler; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2"; Remarks: (S.C. or D. Bates). Rolls show last name as "LOZELL".

Theodore McCain

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5"

See also this portrait of McCain at the ScienceViews Photo Library. That site indicates that he was a corporal, but I find no other evidence of that. The site also indicates that Theodore of Company K and William of Company D were brothers. However, their residences were different.

Thomas McCaskey

Substitute. Mustered in 19 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 40 [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Co. K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Disc. by G.O. #77 W.D.(Date unknown)

Robert McChessney

Died before first battle, 12 October 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Stone Mason; Residence: Allegheny CIty; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Died 10-12-61

John C. McCollough

Drafted. Mustered in 14 February 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I as McCullough]: Age at Enrollment: 24 [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Co. K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Rolls spell name McCollough

William McCormick

Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 December 1862. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Merrittstown, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: (Wounded at Fredericksburgh, Va. 12-13-62. Bates).

Buried in Oakmont Verona Cemetery

Thomas McElroy

Transferred to Veteran Reserve, 1 September 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Nail Feeder; Residence: Duquesne, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: (Trans. to Vet. Res. Corps 9-30-63. Bates).

Died 24 December 1886. Buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Lawrenceville, Pa.

Thomas McIntire

Discharged for wounds received in action; date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Brick Moulder; Residence: West Deer Township, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/4"; Remarks: (Discharged for wounds received in action date unknown. Bates).

Daniel McKee

Wounded at Malvern Hill, 1 July 1862. Captured at Chancellorsville, 3 May 1863. Absent, sick at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9 1/2"

Died 19 January 1908. Buried in Melrose Cemetery.

George W. McKindley

Discharged 16 October 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Seuvickley, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4"; Remarks: Alpha rolls show last name as McKindley. [filed under Kinley, George W.; Note on "Geo.W. McKindley see reference card": Surname carried as above on alpha. rool and as McKINLEY "on M. I. roll ]

Jefferson McLean

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 43; Occupation: Cabinet Maker; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6".

Died 1 October 1889. Buried in Allegheny Cemetery.

James McMillen

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Preston County, Va.; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 6'; Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates).

Andrew McVaugh

Discharged for wounds received in action; date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 45; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Turtle Creek, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: (Discharged for wounds received in action date unknown. Bates).

James Magee

Substitute. Mustered in 31 August 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transfered to Company E, 191st P.V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See reference to B - 155th leads to see reference to E - 191, but that card is blank.]

James Maloy

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Boat Builder; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9".

Buried in Monongahela Cemetery, North Braddock, Pa.

John Mangel

Mustered in 10 March 1864. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See reference to E - 191, but that card is blank.]

Jacob Martin
portrait of Pvt. Jacob Martin

Served as company cook. Wounded in the face (losing part of his nose) at Gaines’ Mill.  Hospitalized first at Newport News, Va., then Baltimore, before returning to the regiment 3 October 1862. Wounded by gunshots to the left leg, chest, back, and left lung at Fredericksburg.  Treated in a field hospital near Falmouth, Va., then moved to Mt. Pleasant General Hospital, Washington, D.C. Listed in Bates as transferring to the Veteran Reserve, 1 September 1863, but he served in various companies and battalions of Invalid and Veteran Reserve Corps from 30 March 1863 until he was he mustered out while at Washington, D.C. on 5 July 1864 at the when the expiration of his three years of service. Appears to have committed a minor offense in the spring of 1863, based on the notation in his military record: "$15.93 to be stopped by court martial and loss of accoutrements in arrest." No additioanl details are known. During his time in the Reserve Corps, he served from Virginia to Connecticut, and his duties varied from working in a hospital to recruiting volunteers to cooking.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: (Trans. to Vet. Res. Corps 7-1-63. Bates). [His height varied quite a bit in measurements recorded in various military documents.]

Returned to the Pittsburgh area after the war and married Margaret (Mary) Schmidt in 1866. Fortunately she was a Catholic -- fortunate since Jacob's father William included this item in his will: "I further order decree and impose on my son, Jacob Martin, to marry a Catholic wife and is to live in accordance with said church as I teached him, and, if not, he is to receive no part or portion of my property but such sum or sums as I received from him whilst in the army and one dollar as a bequest to be paid him by my daughter Julyanne at any time after my decease." Jacob and and his wife had 13 children, 4 sons and 9 daughters. After the war, Jacob's occupations varied. According to different census records, he was a horse dealer, a butcher, and driver. He was active in the Republican party. He applied for an invalid pension on 19 March 19 1915, and died on 23 April 1918, during the flu epidemic. Jacob is buried in St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery, Ross Township.

Thanks to Sharon Glaser Hillis for supplying the portrait and additional information about her great great grandfather.

Robert Milby
portrait of Pvt. Robert Milby

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Steam Engineer; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/2"; Remarks: (Discharged S.C. of D. date unknown. Bates). Rolls show last name as "MILBEY".

Milby was discharged on 27 July 1862, for varicose veins caused by long marches. On 8 August 1864, he enlisted in the U. S. Navy, serving as second engineer on the U.S.S. Siren, a “tinclad” assigned to the Mississippi Squadron to guard Union shipping and prevent Confederates from using the Mississippi. Milby was discharged from the Navy on 6 June 1865; he died on 14 October 1879. Portrait and information from the Trans-Mississippi Photo Archive.

Abraham Miller

Substitute. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Killed in action at Poplar Grove Church, Va. 30 September 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 20 [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Co. K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Killed in action at Poplar Grove Church, Va. 9/30/64.

Daniel Milliron

Substitute. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Wounded at the Wilderness. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 28; Residence: Westmoreland Co. [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Co. K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. (Trans. to 33rd. Company 2nd. Batt. V.R.C. Disc. by G. O. Bates).

Frederick Minehart or Meinhart

Died at Alexandria, Va. 27 December 1862; buried in grave 641 (Military Asylum Cemetery?)

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Meinhart]: Age at Enrollment: 29; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 3/4"; Remarks: (Died at Alexandera [sic], Va. 12-=27-62, grave 641. Bates) Alph. roll shows last name as Minehart.

William A. Moore

Drafted. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Died in prison at Richmond, Va. 16 September 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from B - 155 I]: Age at Enrollment: 28. [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Regt. 7--2-64. (Died in prison at Richmond, Va. 9/16/64. Bates).

Andrew Morrison

Drafted. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See reference to B - 155th leads to see reference to E - 191, but that card is blank.]

Samuel W. Morrison

Mustered in 4 February 1864. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [See reference to E - 191, but that card is blank.]

Michael Murphy

Mustered in 12 January 1864. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Labor; Residence: Lawrence County - (Born) Waterford Ireland; Hair: Black; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: No further record available.

Richard Murphy

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Pittsburg, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9 1/2 "; Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown).

William Nelson

Transferred to 2d US Cavalry, 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 6' 1/2"; Remarks: (Trans. to 2nd U.S. Cav. 1-30-63. Bates).

John N. Nesbit

Mustered in 13 July 1863. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 18 April 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided]; Remarks: Dis. S.C. of D. (All information on this card is taken from Bates) No further record available.

Nathan Ostheimer

Killed at Harrison's Landing 1 August 1862. Listed in Simon Wolf's The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier, and Citizen (1895)

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Tiutusville [sic], Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8"; Remarks: (Killed at Harrison Landing 8-1-62. Bates). M.I. Roll shows laast name as "OSTIMER".

The war was new enough, that Ostheimer' death was included in the New York Times coverage of encounter when Rebel guns fired on the Federal force as it was attempting to convey soldiers onto transport vessels. "Following are additional names of the killed and wounded: Nathan Ockheimer, Co. K, Sixty-second Pennsylvania -- killed...."

Morach Oswalt

Discharged for wounds received at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Soldier; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11 3/4"; Remarks: From Letter W.D. dated 8-16-33 [typo for 63?] in S.C. of D. file with separate papers of Rgt. Name also shown in Rolls as Ostwalt. Hon. Discharge 10-29-62 at camp near Sharpsburgh, Md. on Surg. Cert. of Disability on account of wounds received at the battle of Gaines Mill, Va. 6-27-62 as Pvt. (Born) Switzerland.

Thompson Patterson

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 15 December 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2" Remarks: Carried on as Thompson in Alpha. and M. I. Rolls.[listed as Thomas]

Charles Pohart

Discharged, date unknown, for wounds received at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Canal Boatman; Residence: Williamsport, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5 1/2"

John G. A. Rano

Substitute. Mustered in 29 July 1863 at Butler. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; [No other personal information provided]; Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd Regt. 7-2-64 [to Company K, 155th P. V.] . Dis . S.C. of D. Rolls spell last name Ranno.

Frederick Rexroad

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 33; Occupation: Mechanic; Residence: Lawence County; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Fair; Height: 6'2" Remarks: Pr. to Ord. Sgt., (date unknown). Reduced to the Ranks. (Discharged S.C. of D., date unknown. Bates). Rolls shows last name as Rexroads.

The 1850 Census indicates that Fredk Rexroad, a 21-year old teamster, was living in Brady's Bend, Armstrong County, with his wife, Kiziah, and their year old son Henry. According to the 1880 census he had moved with Kiziah and extended family to Gray Township in White County, Arkansas, where he was a photographer and his sons house painters.

Pension index card indicates Frederick T. Rexroad's wife Kissia A Rexroad filed for a widow's pension in 1882. Card indicates that in addition to serving in Compnay K, he served in the Mexican War.

John W. Reynolds

Discharged 16 December 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Painter; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2" Remarks: M.I. Shows last name as Renolds.

Joseph Rhine

Drafted. Mustered in 26 August 1863. Deserted 4 May 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.] Remarks: Deserted 5-14-64. (All information on this card is taken from Bates) No further record available.

Robert Rollison

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 39; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'3 3/4" Remarks: [Killed at Gaines Mill, Va. 7-22-62. Bates).

Thomas Orr Scott

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Printer & Painter; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8"; Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown).

Philip Serena

Drafted. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: No personal information provided.

Brother of William Baker Serena.

According to a biographical sketch of his brother, Philip first enlisted in Company I, 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, a 3-month regiment before reenlisting to join Company K.

William Baker Serena

Substitute. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: No personal information provided.

Brother of Philip Serena.

According to a biographical sketch in Treasures of the Past: Indiana County Pennsylvania: Her People, Past and Present
by J T Stewart, W. B. Serena was born on 28 October 1836, in Ligonier township, Westmoreland Co., Pa. After some early schooling, he began working on the McFarland farm in Loyalhanna township, then learned the carpenter’s trade with his uncle, and from there went to work in the oil fields in Titusville and Oil City, Pa. In 1882 Mr. Serena came to Saltsburg, where he opened a meat market before expanding that into a slaughterhouse and wholesale butchering business under the name W. B. Serena & Sons. He married Theressa Kaney and had five children. He was a Methodist and a Republican.

John Shehan

Substitute. Mustered in 31 August 1863. Deserted 3 June 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]; Remarks: Deserted 6-3-64. (all information on this card is taken from Bates) No further record available.

Possibly a bounty jumper.

Richard Simpkins

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Hinleyville, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4 1/2"

History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926) indicates Simpkins was killed in the war.

George A. Simpson

Mustered in at Mononghela City. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Harrisburg, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 8" Remarks: (S. C. of D. Bates).

John M. O. Smith

Drafted. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Deserted 7 December 186? [Bates records 1862].

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed.]

Richard Smith

Wounded and captured at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862. Listed as R. G. Smith on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862.Discharged 30 December 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Saw Mill Run, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 6 1/2" Remarks: (Wounded and Captured 6-27-62. Bates).

Robert Starr

Mustered in 13 May 1864. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Killed at Hatchers Run, 27 October 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [From B 155 I card]: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Fayette County (Born) Armstrong County; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Florid; Height: 5' 5 " Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd Regt. 7-3-64. Killed in action at Hathers Run, Va., 10-27-64.

William Stoops

Wounded at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Monomgahela City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 6" Remarks: (Wounded at Gettysburg 7-2-63. Bates Rolls show name written with middle initial H.

Isaac Thompson

Drafted. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate 19 November 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided]; Remarks: Dis. S.C. of D. (All information on this card is taken from Bates) No further record available.

Daniel H. Thorpe

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P.V.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No card from K - 62. See reference from B - 155 to E - 191, but that card is blank.]

According to Genealogy of Some Early Families in Grant and Pleasant Districts, Preston County, West Virginia, his name was David Thorpe, and he was born in Ohio Pyle, Pa. After the war he married Alice Irene Belllesfield and moved to the Dakota Territory. They had eight children. He died on 4 Sep 1922 at Sioux Falls, SD.

William C. Todd

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Veteran volunteer. Killed in action at Lewis Farm, Va., 29 March 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Hickory, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7" Remarks: Re-enlisted 2-1-64 at Licken Run, Va. (Trans. to 155th P.V. 7-3-64. Bates). Vet. [Remarks from B- 155 card: Killed in action 3/29/65 at Lewis Farm, Va.

History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926) indicates Todd was a resident of Washington County and that he was killed in the war.

Daniel Towse

Mustered in 26 February 1862. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Gardner; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 6 1/2" Remarks: (Discharged S.C. of D. date unknown. Bates). Recruit.

James Tracey

Killed at Malvern Hill

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: River Man; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Light; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7" Remarks: (Killed at Malvern Hill, Va. 7-2-62. Bates).

Carr or Carl Truxall

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Died 13 July 1864. Buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information]. Remarks: Died 7-13-64 Buried in Nat'l Cem. Arlington, Va. (All information on this card is taken from Bates) No further record Available. [However, [Card for B 155 I under Carl Truxall has additional information: Age at enrollment: 26; Remarks: Died 7/13/64 at Judiciary Square Hospital Washington, D.C. ]

Jesse Upcraft

Died at Philadelphia, 8 June 1864. Buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Iron Boiler; Residence: Duquesne Boro; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 10 3/4" Remarks: (Died at Philadelphia, Pa. 6-8-64. Bates).

The 1860 Census for Shaler Township, Allegheny Coun ty, confirms that Samuel was the father of Jesse Upcraft. They were both listed as laborers. Jesse was the oldest of Samuel and Mary Upcraft's sic children.

Samuel Upcraft

Discharged 8 May 1862. Joined Company B of 155th P.V.; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va, 13 December 1862. Disharged 25 March 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 45; Occupation: Painter; Residence: Duquesne Boro; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 9 1/2" [Card for B 155 I indicates hair color now grey, and lists occupation as laborer. Under remarks: At Point of Rocks Md. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. 12/13/62. ]

The 1860 Census for Shaler Township, Allegheny County, confirms that Samuel was the father of Jesse Upcraft. They were both listed as laborers. Jesse was the oldest of Samuel and Mary Upcraft's six children.

Stephen L. Vogan

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 16 March 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Venango County, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9" Remarks: (S.C. of D. Bates). Rolls show middle initial S.

The 1860 Census lists a Stephen L Vogan as a 23 year old laborer from Sandy Lake, Mercer County with a 17 year old wife Sarah and two children. The 1880 Census lists a Stephen Vogan as a 30 year old farm laborer from Wolf Creek, Mercer County with a 20 year old wife Melissa and three children. The 1880 Census lists a Stephen L Vogan as a 41 year old stone mason from Worth, Mercer County with a 30 year old wife Melissa and six children. Not sure if these are all the same person or not.

The 1890 Veterans schedule has him living in Wolf Creek Township, Mercer County, suffering from chronic diarrhea, rheumatism, and weakness of muscle.

Edward C. Walsh

Discharged 16 November 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Steam Boat Man; Residence: Duquesne Boro; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8 3/4"

Appears to have re-enlisted into Company E of the 136th P. V. (enrolled 9 August 1862, mustered in 22 August 1862) only to serve until 10 February 1863 when he was discharged by a Surgeon's Certificate of Disability.

William Weaver

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 34; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Alleghany City, Pa.; Hair: Bright; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6 1/2"

Died 26 Aug 1905. Buried in Union Dale Cemetery.

Frederick Weitman

Mustered in 15 July 1863. Died 21 June 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed] Remarks: (Died 6-21-64 Buried in Nat'l Cem. Arlington, Va. Bates) No further record available.

Patrick Welch

Substitute. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed]

Robert Whitaker

Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864; died at Annapolis, Md., 5 December 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Florence, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7" Remarks: (Captured at Spottsylvania Court House 5-12-64 Died Annapolis, Md. 12-5-64. Bates).

Whitaker is also listed in History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926). Florence is a populated, but unincorporated town near Burgettstown, in Washington County.

Thomas B. White

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed]

Died 29 June 1914, according to Proceedings of the 49th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Easton, 1915).

Robert Wilby

Died August 1862 of wound recieved at Malvern Hill, Va., 1 July 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 37; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2" Remarks: (Died 8- -62 of wounds received at Malvern Hill, Va. 7- -62. Bates).

Wilby is also listed in History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926).

Frank Wilson

Drafted. [CWVCF indicates Substitute]. Mustered in 31 August 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22 [no other personal information listed] Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Reg. 7-2-64. Deserted, never reported to regiment.

John Winters

The record is confused. May have enrolled in either Company E or Company K, neither or both. John Winters is also listed among the unassigned soldiers. There is no record of him serving in Company K, other than note in 155th P.V. roster. John Winters transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864. Transferred to Company E, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865. Although his name was transferred, I am not sure he was present. Bates lists Winters in Company E with note as "Not on muster-out roll." Bates lists Winters among Unassigned Soldiers with note "Transferred to Company B, 155th regiment P. V., 3 July 1864."

According to the CWVCF, two days after John Winters enrolled as a private in Company E in Meadville, Pa. [29 March 1864], John Winters enrolled as a private in Company H of the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry [31 March 1864]. Both men were listed as aged 23. No addtional personal information is listed for the cavalry volunteer. He was captured 10 December 1864 and confined at Salisbury, N. C. It appears Winters enrolled in the 62d, changed his mind and served in the cavalry, instead, creating records that were never cleared up.

If all the John Winters are the same man this is his personal information from Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Clarion County (Born) Buffalo, New York; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8 1/2" Remarks: (Not on M.O. Roll. Bates). No further record available.

John Woods

Recruit. Mustered in 29 January 1862. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Brookville, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5" Remarks: (Discharged S.C. of D. date unknown. Bates). Recruit.

The 1890 Veterans Schedules lists his company as I, not K. Company I was the home of most the 62d's Jefferson County volunteers. Woods' home in 1890 was Stowe, Jefferson County. No disabilities are listed.

Cyrus Workman

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Died 1 August 1862 of wound recieved at Gaines Mill, Va., 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7" Remarks: (Died 8-1-62 wounds received at Gaines Mill, Va. 6-27-62. Bates).

Workman is also listed in History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (1926). He enlisted at the same time as Lewis Workman, who was probably a relative, but not a brother.

According to the 1860 Census for Monongahela City, he was a Pennsylvania born miner, 30 years of age, and living with his wife Jane and two children. The 1850 Census lists a 19 year old [L?]yrus Workman living in Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County, with Samule Workman (a younger brother?), and a family named Hartner. No occupation was listed for either Workman, but many other men on the same page were coal diggers.

Lewis Workman
portrait of John Lewis Cribbs

Mustered in at Monongahela City. Wounded at Gettysburg. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Monongahela City, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5" Remarks: (Wounded at Gettysburg. 7-2-63. Bates).

Lewis Workman was born in 1843 in Fayette Co., Pa., to Lewis and Sarah Workman. According to the 1850 Census the family was residing in Monongahela, Pa. Lewis, Sr., was a glass teaser, and two of his sons were glass blowers. Lewis, the son, is listed as 13 years old.

A tintype of Workman in a zouave uniform suggests that before the war he was a member Tower Zouaves in Monongahela, Pa., where he lived in 1860. He enlisted at the same time as Cyrus Workman, who was probably a relative, but not a brother.

He may have been a glass blower before the war, but his occupation on the CWVCF was miner, and he worked as a coal miner after the war. He married his first wife, Caroline, in 1866, and they lived in Forward Township, Allegheny Co., near Monongahela. They had four daughters. Lewis married Mary A. in 1891 after Caroline's death around 1888-89. In July 1900, Lewis died of blood poisoning (cause unknown) at age 57. He was living in Monessen, Rostraver Township, Westmoreland Co., at the time of his death. His widow Mary filed for his veterans' benefits in August 1900.

Lewis Workman is buried in the GAR section of the Monongahela Cemetery, Monongahela, PA.

Thanks to Sue Wert for the tintype of her great great grandfather (through his daughter Margaret) and to Sue and Lindsay Wilson, a Workman family researcher, for the additional personal informationa about Lewis Workman.

Silas Wright

Died 28 May 1864 of wound recieved at Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Whip Maker; Residence: Independence, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7" Remarks: Died 5-28- of wound recieved at Spottsylvania Court House, 5-12-1864. Buried in Natl. Cem. Arlington, Va.

Thomas Wright

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 7 February 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5" Remarks: (S. C. of D. Bates).

John Young

Discharged 20 January 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Hostler; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11 7/8"

Lewis Young

Died 27 June 1862 of wound recieved at Gaines Mill Listed in Bates as "Not on muster out roll."

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Hoe Grinder; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2"

According to a information provided by the First Lutheran Church of Pittsburgh, Young, who was a member, was married at the time he enlisted. The church records indicate the details of his death.

Henry Zeely

Drafted. Mustered in 15 July 1863. Transferred to Company B, 155th P. V., 3 July 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28 [not additional personal information provided] Mustered in at Butler County. Remarks: Trans. from Company K. 62nd. Regt. 7-2-64. Disc. by G. O. Rolls spell last name Zerby.


Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Volume III. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71; reprinted Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1993. Also available online through Making of America.

Centennial anniversary of the founding of Monongahela City, Pa. : celebrated November 15th, 1892. Monongahela City : C. W. Hazzard, 1895.

Creigh, Alfred. History of Washington County, From Its First Settlement to the Present Time. 2d Ed. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, 1871.

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This page authored and maintained by John R. Henderson (jhenderson @ icyousee . org), Lodi, NY.
Last modified: 2 July 2013, 150 years after the second day at Gettysburg.
URL: http://www.icyousee.org/pa62d/kp.html